Online Tutoring: How to Make Money SharingYour Knowledge

With the rise of online education, online tutoring has become an increasingly popular way to make money sharing your knowledge. In this article, we will explore the different options available for online tutoring, how to get started, and some tips for success.

Table of Contents

1.          What is online tutoring?

2.          Why is online tutoring popular?

3.          Types of online tutoring

4.          Getting started with online tutoring

5.          Creating your profile

6.          Choosing your subjects and target audience

7.          Setting your rates

8.          Marketing your tutoring services

9.          Preparing for your first session

10.     Tips for success as an online tutor

11.     Conclusion

12.     FAQs

1. What is online tutoring?

Online tutoring is a method of teaching and learning that takes place over the internet. Tutors and students interact in a virtual classroom, using video conferencing, online whiteboards, and other digital tools to communicate and share information.

2. Why is online tutoring popular?

There are several reasons why online tutoring has become so popular in recent years. For one, it allows tutors to reach a wider audience than they could with traditional in-person tutoring. Additionally, it is often more convenient for students, who can schedule sessions at a time that works for them and learn from the comfort of their own home.

3. Types of online tutoring

There are several types of online tutoring, including:

3.1 Synchronous tutoring

Synchronous tutoring is real-time tutoring, where tutors and students interact in a virtual classroom at the same time. This type of tutoring is often done through video conferencing.

3.2 Asynchronous tutoring

Asynchronous tutoring involves tutors and students communicating with each other at different times. This type of tutoring is often done through email, discussion forums, or messaging apps.

3.3 Group tutoring

Group tutoring involves tutoring multiple students at once. This can be done through video conferencing or other digital tools.

4. Getting started with online tutoring

To get started with online tutoring, you will need a few things:

4.1 Reliable internet connection

You will need a reliable internet connection to be able to conduct your tutoring sessions online.

4.2 A computer or mobile device

You will need a computer or mobile device to access the virtual classroom and communicate with your students.

4.3 Digital tools

You will need to use digital tools such as video conferencing software, online whiteboards, and messaging apps to communicate with your students.

5. Creating your profile

When creating your profile on an online tutoring platform, you should include:

5.1 Your qualifications and experience

Include any relevant qualifications and experience you have in the subject you will be tutoring.

5.2 Your teaching style

Describe your teaching style and approach to tutoring. This will help students understand what they can expect from your tutoring sessions.

5.3 Your availability

Include your availability so that students can schedule sessions with you at a time that works for them.

6. Choosing your subjects and target audience

Choose the subjects you will be tutoring and your target audience carefully. You should choose subjects that you are knowledgeable about and enjoy teaching, and target audiences that you are comfortable working with.

        7. Setting Your Rates

Setting your rates for online tutoring can be tricky, but it's important to strike a balance between what you think you're worth and what your target audience is willing to pay. Here are some tips for setting your rates:

·         Research the market rates for tutoring in your subject and set your rates accordingly.

·         Consider your qualifications and experience. If you have extensive qualifications and experience in the subject you are tutoring, you can charge more for your services.

·         Consider your target audience's budget. If you're targeting students who may not have a lot of disposable income, you may need to set your rates lower.

Remember that your rates are not set in stone and you can always adjust them if necessary.

8. Marketing Your Tutoring Services

Marketing your tutoring services is key to finding students and growing your business. Here are some tips for marketing your tutoring services:

·         Use social media to promote your services and reach a wider audience.

·         Create a website or online profile that highlights your qualifications and experience.

·         Offer a free trial session to entice potential students to try your services.

·         Ask satisfied students to refer you to their friends and family.

9. Preparing for Your First Session

Preparing for your first tutoring session can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to be organized and prepared. Here are some tips for preparing for your first session:

·         Familiarize yourself with the virtual classroom and any digital tools you will be using.

·         Review the material you will be teaching and make sure you understand it thoroughly.

·         Create a lesson plan and any necessary materials in advance.

·         Test your equipment and internet connection before the session.

10. Tips for Success as an Online Tutor

Being a successful online tutor takes more than just knowledge of the subject matter. Here are some tips for success as an online tutor:

·         Communicate clearly and effectively with your students.

·         Be patient and understanding, especially with students who may be struggling.

·         Create a positive and encouraging learning environment.

·         Offer personalized feedback and guidance to each student.

·         Be flexible and adaptable, and be willing to adjust your approach if necessary.

Top 5 URL "for our current students

Here are the top 5 URLs related to online tutoring and making money by sharing your knowledge:


This article from The Penny Hoarder provides a comprehensive guide to online tutoring jobs, including where to find them and how much you can earn.


This blog post from Tutorful provides tips and advice on how to become an online tutor, including setting your rates and marketing your services.


Wyzant is an online tutoring platform that connects tutors with students. This page provides information on how to become a Wyzant tutor and start earning money.


This article from FlexJobs provides an overview of online tutoring jobs and how to find them, including a list of websites and platforms that hire online tutors.


Superprof is a platform that connects tutors with students all over the world. This page provides information on how to become a Superprof tutor and start earning money by sharing your knowledge.



Online tutoring is a great way to make money sharing your knowledge, and with the right approach, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for both you and your students. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can set yourself up for success and build a thriving online tutoring business.


1.    How much can I expect to make as an online tutor?

·         The amount you can make as an online tutor varies depending on factors such as your qualifications and experience, the subject you are tutoring, and your target audience. However, online tutors can typically earn anywhere from $20 to $100 or more per hour.

2.    Do I need to have a teaching degree to be an online tutor?

·         No, you don't necessarily need a teaching degree to be an online tutor. However, having relevant qualifications and experience in the subject you are tutoring can be beneficial.

3.    What equipment do I need to get started as an online tutor?

·         To get started as an online tutor, you will need a computer or mobile device, a reliable internet connection, and digital tools such as video conferencing software and online whiteboards.

4.    How do I find students for my online tutoring business?

·         You can find students for your online tutoring business by marketing your services through social media, creating a website or online profile, offering a free trial session, and asking satisfied students to refer you to their friends and family.

5.    What are some common challenges of online tutoring?

·         Some common challenges of online tutoring include technical difficulties, difficulty in creating a personal connection with students, and the need to adapt to different learning styles and levels of understanding.