AdSense Approval for Your Blogger Website

How to Get AdSense Approval for Your Blogger Website

AdSense is a free of charge simple way to earn money by displaying ads next to your online content. With AdSense you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your site. In today's digital age, starting a blog has become easier than ever, thanks to platforms like Blogger. However, if you plan to monetize your blog and earn through advertisements, AdSense is the go-to choose for many bloggers. Getting AdSense approval for your Blogger website is a crucial step towards turning your passion into a profitable venture. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of securing AdSense approval for your Blogger blog.

Table of Contents

1.    Understanding AdSense

·         What is Google AdSense?

·         Why is AdSense approval important?

2.    Setting Up Your Blogger Blog

·         Choosing the right niche

·         Creating quality content

3.    Polishing Your Blog Design

·         Mobile responsiveness

·         User-friendly navigation

4.    Content is King: Quality Matters

·         Unique and valuable content

·         Proper use of multimedia

5.    Navigating Copyright Issues

·         Avoiding plagiarism

·         Using licensed images

6.    Optimizing for SEO

·         Keyword research

·         On-page SEO techniques

7.    Building Your Blog's Authority

·         Guest posting

·         Social media presence

8.    Understanding AdSense Policies

·         AdSense program policies

·         Ad placement guidelines

9.    Applying for AdSense

·         Creating a Google account

·         Filling out the AdSense application

10.                       Preparing for Review

·         Checking eligibility

·         Polishing your website

11.                       Tips for a Successful Review

·         Ad placement

·         Privacy policy page

12.                       Post-Approval Considerations

·         Monitoring your earnings

·         AdSense optimization

13.                       Common Pitfalls to Avoid

·         Click fraud

·         Invalid traffic

14.                       Conclusion

·         Recap of key points

Understanding AdSense

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program offered by Google that allows website owners to monetize their content by displaying targeted ads on their websites. Advertisers pay website owners for each click or impression the ads receive. It's a popular choice among bloggers because of its user-friendly interface and vast network of advertisers.

Why is AdSense Approval Important?

AdSense approval is vital for bloggers as it opens the door to a consistent stream of revenue. Without AdSense, monetization options are limited, and you may struggle to earn from your blog. Moreover, AdSense provides access to high-quality ads that are relevant to your content, enhancing the user experience.

Setting Up Your Blogger Blog

Before applying for AdSense, it's crucial to have a well-established Blogger blog. Here are some steps to consider:

Choosing the Right Niche

Select a niche that you are passionate about and has the potential for a broad audience. High-quality content in a niche you love can attract more readers.

Creating Quality Content

Consistently publish well-researched and engaging articles. Content is the foundation of your blog, and quality content will not only attract more readers but also increase your chances of AdSense approval.

Polishing Your Blog Design

A user-friendly and visually appealing website is more likely to gain AdSense approval.

Mobile Responsiveness

Many users access websites via mobile devices. A mobile-responsive design ensures that your site looks good on all screens.

User-Friendly Navigation

Easy navigation helps users find what they're looking for quickly. A clear menu and logical layout are essential.

Content is King: Quality Matters

Unique and Valuable Content

Originality is key. Avoid duplicate content, and provide information that adds value to your readers.

Proper Use of Multimedia

Enhance your content with images and videos, but make sure they are relevant and properly credited.

Navigating Copyright Issues

Avoiding Plagiarism

Always give credit to original sources and avoid using copyrighted material without permission.

Using Licensed Images

If you use images, ensure they are licensed for use on your website to avoid legal issues.

Optimizing for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for organic traffic. Here are some tips:

Keyword Research

Identify and target relevant keywords to improve your blog's visibility in search engine results.

On-Page SEO Techniques

Optimize your content with proper headings, meta descriptions, and alt tags for images.

Building Your Blog's Authority

Guest Posting

Collaborate with other bloggers and contribute guest posts to establish your authority in your niche.

Social Media Presence

Promote your blog on social media platforms to expand your reach and connect with your audience.

Understanding AdSense Policies

Before applying, familiarize yourself with AdSense policies:

AdSense Program Policies

Adherence to AdSense program policies is crucial. Violations can lead to account suspension.

Ad Placement Guidelines

Ensure that ad placements comply with Google's guidelines to maintain a positive user experience.

Applying for AdSense

Creating a Google Account

If you don't have one, create a Google account. You'll need it to apply for AdSense.

Filling Out the AdSense Application

Provide accurate information when filling out the application form. Be prepared to wait for a review.

Preparing for Review

Checking Eligibility

Ensure your blog meets the minimum requirements for AdSense eligibility.

Polishing Your Website

Before applying, make sure your blog is free of broken links, excessive ads, and other issues that may deter approval.

Tips for a Successful Review

Ad Placement

Place ads strategically but avoid overcrowding your pages with ads.

Privacy Policy Page

Create a privacy policy page to build trust with users and comply with AdSense requirements.

Post-Approval Considerations

Monitoring Your Earnings

Keep an eye on your AdSense dashboard to track your earnings and performance.

AdSense Optimization

Continuously optimize your ad placements and experiment with different formats to maximize revenue.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Click Fraud

Do not engage in click fraud or encourage others to click on your ads artificially.

Invalid Traffic

Monitor your traffic sources to prevent invalid clicks and impressions.

How to Get AdSense Approval for Your Blogger Website

Some important URLs

Guarantee that your blog has novel and significant substance that is unique and locking in. Google AdSense is bound to endorse destinations that offer excellent substance to their clients. Utilize a writing for a blog stage that permits you to have full command over your site and its substance. Famous choices incorporate WordPress, Blogger, and Squarespace. Guarantee that your blog has an adequate measure of content prior to applying for Google AdSense. In spite of the fact that there is no particular necessity, having something like 20 excellent posts is a decent beginning stage. Additionally, try to refresh your blog with new satisfied reliably.

Any blogger has just a single dream that how to get endorsement from AdSense and how to adapt his webpage. Bloggers need to confront challenges for a long time/month in endorsing AdSense account, yet the AdSense account isn't supported yet nothing remains to be frustrated. In the wake of perusing this post you can support AdSense account in couple of days.

This is definitely not another theme; many individuals have composed articles regarding this matter as indicated by their own insight. I'm likewise imparting an exceptionally precise encounter to you, which is getting endorsement from AdSense very soon. To get total data you need to peruse the total article. We as a whole know that with regards to bringing in cash on the web, the name of Google AdSense starts things out on the grounds that we as a whole know very well that there is nobody better than Google AdSense to bring in cash on the web. This is a promoting network that pays the most cash for putting advertisements on the blog.

How to Get AdSense Approval for Your Blogger Website


Getting AdSense approval for your Blogger website is a significant milestone in your blogging journey. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of approval and start generating revenue from your blog. Remember that patience and persistence are key, and once approved, make the most of your partnership with AdSense to achieve your blogging goals.

How to Get AdSense Approval for Your Blogger Website

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    What is the minimum traffic requirement for AdSense approval?

AdSense does not have a specific traffic requirement. However, it's essential to have quality content and a well-established blog before applying.

2.    How long does it take to get AdSense approval?

The approval process can take a few days to several weeks, depending on Google's review process.

3.    Can I use other ad networks with AdSense?

Yes, you can use other ad networks alongside AdSense, but be sure to comply with their policies.

4.    What should I do if my AdSense application is rejected?

Review the rejection email for specific feedback and work on improving your blog before reapplying.

5.    Is AdSense the only way to monetize my blog?

No, there are alternative monetization methods like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling digital products. Choose the one that aligns with your blog's niche and goals.